Event Day
Maps + Routes
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How do I post pledges of cash or checks?

To add pledges on your Fundhub page:

  • Login to Fundhub.
  • Select "Enter $$ or Checks" from the left side menu.
  • Enter each pledge in, one by one. Carefully type in the details of your donations.
  • Note: Email addresses are used exclusively to send tax receipts electronically at the end of the event. It saves CNOY time and resources which we appreciate greatly.

Mail checks written out to Coldest Night of the Year to:

Blue Sea Philanthropy USA

PO Box 331

St. Charles, IL, USA


Is there a registration fee for CNOY?

No - there is no registration fee for the Coldest Night of the Year, anyone may participate for free. However, in order to earn a CNOY winter toque, participants need to meet their age-specific minimum fundraising amount, listed below:

  • Children & Youth 0-17: Fundraise a minimum of $75
  • Adults 18+: Fundraise a minimum of $150

How do I get a CNOY winter toque?

In order to earn a CNOY winter toque, participants need to meet their modest, age-specific minimum fundraising amount, listed below:

  • Children & Youth 0-17: Fundraise a minimum of $75
  • Adults 18+: Fundraise a minimum of $150

Once you hit your minimum, you'll pick up your toque on event day. If you aren't able to pick it up on event day, send us an email at help@cnoy.com, we'll figure it out.

How do I register to walk?

If you want to start or join a team (or walk by yourself), you can register online by clicking the Register button on the top menu, next to the logo. The registration process will take you about 5 minutes, so you can do it while the coffee's perking. Note: When setting up your username, please do not use spaces.

I'd like to pay my cash donations by personal check or credit card. Can I do this?

Definitely! Once you've recorded your cash donations online, you can pay them through Fundhub with your personal credit card to avoid lugging an envelope of cash around.

  • Click Fundraising on the left menu
  • Click Enter $$ or Checks
  • Scroll down to your list of pledges and click the pay button next to the pledge you'd like to pay by credit card. This will take you to a payment gateway to complete the transaction.

If you'd like to pay with personal check, be sure to enter your cash pledges online and then total your cash donations. Please make checks payable to Coldest Night of the Year. Mail your check to the CNOY Head Office, and include a note indicating that it is meant to cover your pledges.

Blue Sea Philanthropy USA

PO Box 331

St. Charles, IL, USA


Do I sign a waiver form?

Everyone on your team must register online before CNOY Day.

  • Adults: When you register online, you automatically accept an electronic waiver, which is all that is needed for adults.
  • Youth/Children: If you have youth or children under 18 on your team, they’ll need to submit a waiver from their parent/guardian.
  • An online form will be emailed to all parents/guardians in advance of CNOY Day
  • Waivers will also be available at check-in

Can my kids participate without me?

All kids age 12 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian who is walking with them and stays with them at all times (including helping them register/hand in their waiver form). The routes are family-friendly, but not intended for children walking alone.

All youth under 18 must have an online or paper waiver signed by their legal guardian.

What if I receive a check that's made out to me and not Coldest Night of the Year?

If you receive cash or checks made payable to you, please login to Fundhub, click Fundraising, then Enter $$ or Checks, and enter the donor information there. You'll then have one of two choices:

  • Option 1: Pay the donations online with your credit card and keep the cash/personal checks. By doing so, you deem your donations "complete" and nothing else needs to be done or sent to us. OR...

  • Option 2: Bank the cash and personal checks, then write a personal check payable to Coldest Night of the Year, in the amount of the total you received in cash/checks. Mail this to the CNOY Head Office with your completed form as soon as you can.

How do I change my team name?

Note that only the Team Captain (a.k.a. the participant who started the team):

  • Login to your Fundhub
  • On the left menu, click the "Team" tab
  • On the left menu, click "Edit Team Info".
  • After editing your team name, be sure to click "Save" when you're finished!

Is there a limit to how many people can join a team?

No - you can have as many people join your team as you'd like! However, if you are participating in an in-person location, please observe local restrictions for social bubbles.

Who do checks get made out to?

Please make checks payable to (Coldest Night of the Year)), and write the name of the walker or team you are supporting on the memo line.

Where do I get a pledge form?

A pledge form is sent to you via email automatically when you register for CNOY. But if you can't find that email, additional pledge forms may be downloaded from the Tools page.

Can I bring my pet to CNOY?

Pets are not permitted at CNOY. We love pets, and believe you when you say your pet is super well-behaved! But we can’t (and won’t) run the risk of any walker being bit/nipped/tripped, or your pet being kicked/poked/provoked. So please, leave your pet at home. (However, we do allow those with approved and trained service animals to attend.)

What do I do with Checks Written Out to Coldest Night of the Year

Please send any checks written out to Coldest Night of the Year to:

Blue Sea Philanthropy USA

PO Box 331

St. Charles, IL, USA


I see a charge from 'Blue Sea Philanthropy' or 'Bambora' on my credit card statement - is that you?

Yes! If you donate or pay by credit card/Paypal, our charity's legal name will appear on your statement - Blue Sea Philanthropy USA, a registered American charity.

Occasionally, the name that appears on your statement may show 'Bambora' instead - this is the name of Blue Sea's credit card payment gateway supplier.

I'm looking for my donation on my credit card statement, but can't find it. Help!

If you donate by credit card/Paypal, our charity's legal name will appear on your statement - Blue Sea Philanthropy. Occasionally, some donations may be listed under the name 'Bambora' - this is the name of our payment gateway supplier.

I normally fundraise face to face, can I still do that?

We don't encourage door-to-door fundraising. Instead, login to Fundhub and send an email, or text a link to your page, or send a message through your favorite social network. They'll a) give more as a rule, and b) get their tax receipt immediately.

If I get sick, can I cancel my registration?

Yes - if you get sick, do what's needed to get better! But remember, you can do your walk offsite at any time, and the money you raise for your charity is still valuable. So if you are able, reschedule instead of canceling.

How do I cancel my registration as a participant in CNOY?

Email us at help@cnoy.com and we'll take care of it for you.

Note: If you have collected cash or check pledges, please ensure that all donor names and addresses are carefully posted online in your FundHub. Don't send cash in the mail. Pay for cash with a personal check from you (or pay by credit online). Please send all checks with your pledge sheet (if applicable) to the CNOY Head Office.

Where does the CNOY begin?

To find your CNOY start location, choose the city you are walking in from the Locations menu - everything you need is there, including start/finish location, address, map, contact numbers, emails, route descriptions, and most other location-specific details.

Note: If you are an offsite participant, you get to pick your own starting location!

When does CNOY begin?

Registration opens at 4pm, the CNOY walk routes open at 5pm, and all walkers must be out on the route by 6pm.

Note: If you are an offsite participant, you get to pick your own start time!

What are processing fees?

When a donor gives online, we provide them with an opportunity to cover the 4.25% processing fees we pay to process each credit card donation. It's totally voluntary and helps CNOY reduce its operating costs for the event.

  • Breaking down the processing fees:
  • 1.75% Fundhub cost
  • 2.25% + $0.10 per Credit card gateway transaction
  • Total: Approximately 4.25%
  • Tax Receipt: This extra amount is claimable and added to your overall donation total. For example, a donor gives $100 and covers the 4.25% processing fee - the tax receipt issued is for $104.25.
  • Does Blue Sea actually pay 4.5% on every verified gift regardless of size? Yes, we do.
  • Does Blue Sea charge the local charity if the costs aren't covered by the donor? No, we don't.

How do I change my fundraising goal?

To edit your personal goal:

  • Log in to your FundHub, using the username and password you created during registration
  • Once logged in, in the left menu, click Fundraising
  • You'll see a button next to your goal that says Click to change goal

To edit your team's goal (Team Captains only):

  • Log in to your FundHub, using the username and password you created during registration.
  • Click the Team button from the left-hand menu
  • You'll see a button next to your goal that says Change

Can I run the route instead of walking?

No - due to the risk of ice, snow, and wet weather, the number of walkers involved, and the participation of children, seniors, and service animals in our event, participants are not permitted to run our routes.

What does a Team Captain do?

Team Captains are the backbone of CNOY. Here's what they do:

  • Create their team online (pick their location + charity, their fundraising goal, and a sweet name)
  • Recruit other people to walk on their team, and encourage teammates in their fundraising efforts
  • Provide help to walkers with questions (and send them to the CNOY Team if needed!)

On CNOY Day, Team Captains rally their team together, congratulate them on a job well done, and walk with those who need a pal to walk alongside.

Do all donors get a charitable receipt?

Online donations of $20 or more with a valid email will receive a charitable receipt within minutes of your donation.

Cash or check donations of $20 or more with a valid email will be receipted via email after the event.

Cash or check donations of $20 or more with a valid mailing address will be receipted by post after the event.

How long does it take to walk?

Depending on your fitness, the weather, congestion, and ground cover, most walkers clip along at between 4-5 km/hour (1-3 miles/hour). That means...

  • 2 km (about 1 mile) should take 30-45 minutes
  • 5 km (about 3 miles) should take you 60-90 minutes

What is a matching fund program?

Thousands of employers have matching programs for employees who fundraise, volunteer, or donate. Each program is unique, but overall each program encourages staff to give, fundraise, or volunteer by providing some specific matching fund incentives. Examples:

  • Matching donations up to $500 in a year
  • Matching fundraising up to $1000 annually
  • Providing a grant for a set number of volunteer hours

As you'd expect, many of these programs are created by larger employers. To search for your company, visit the CNOY Matching Funds page.

What should I wear?

We expect cold temperatures and precipitation. Watch the weather online prior to the walk carefully. Layers of clothing are good since you will certainly warm up during a long walk. Gloves, a warm, ear-covering hat, sunglasses for wind protection and a water/snow repellent jacket (preferably with a hood) are all good choices.

Footwear is really important. If there is snow or rain, you need to have water-proof boots or shoes. Gloves and a scarf are a good idea also. After all, it is a walk in February...

My team gathered all of our pledges as a group. How do I add these to our fundraising total?

Great work! Here's the tricky part: CNOY can't assign cash/check pledges to a team, we can just assign them to a participant. So, you've got 2 options:

  • Option 1: Divide pledges up between team members in advance of CNOY Day, so each participant will hand in their own money and pledge sheet. (This is the best option, because it will also count toward your fundraising minimums!)
  • Option 2: Enter all money you gathered as donations under the Captain's personal account. This is much simpler, but it can mean that all the other team members may not meet their fundraising minimums.

When do I check-in?

Check-in for all walkers opens at 4pm and closes at 6pm. Walkers should have their pledge forms and any cash and checks filled out and ready to go when they arrive.

When do donors get receipts?

Online donors who give securely with their credit cards get e-receipts within 24 hours of their donations. Donors who give checks or cash are receipted within 100 days of the event by email or post, provided their donation is $20 or over and we have received a full mailing address for their donation.

What do I do with money that comes in after CNOY?

All post-CNOY checks can be mailed directly (with your completed pledge form) to the address on our Contact Page.

CNOY is over, but I don't see the cash/checks I handed in on CNOY Day reflected on my fundraising page yet. Why?

It can take up until mid-April for all cash and check deposits on event day (and those that get sent in after the event) to be carefully processed and assigned to the correct walker or team.

Why is my username not accepted when registering?

If you can't login or your username is not working, make sure you don't use any spaces in your name or password.

Is this a fundraiser?

Absolutely! The purpose of the CNOY is to raise funds for charities. Walkers work hard to raise funds from friends, families and co-workers to support the charity they are walking for.

How do I raise money?

Once you register online, you can use the online FundHub to email your friends and family a link to your personal fundraising page. There, they can give to you securely online by credit card or PayPal. Alternately, you can download a pledge form, print it out, and ask people face-to-face for support.

For more help, check out our fundraising tips.

What does the waiver form mean?

The waiver form means you understand the risk of walking in the event, that in the event of injury you release the event, the volunteers and the operators and charity partners of the event from any liability and, should your picture be taken on CNOY Day, you release CNOY to appropriately use your likeness in any future publications related to CNOY.

Where can I find a route map?

Choose the Location you'll be walking from the Locations page - if your location's route map has been finalized, it will be there. (If not, be patient, it'll be there soon.)

How long are the routes?

There are 2 km and 5 km routes available.

Are there rest stops along the route?

Yes, there will be one (outdoor) rest stop along your route - usually at the halfway point of the 5 km circuit.

Do I walk with my team?

You don't have to. Normally, you would at least begin walking together (if possible). After that, everyone is free to walk at their own pace.

What about bad weather?

CNOY officials will monitor temperatures during the week leading up to event day. If the temperature becomes extremely cold, or if there is freezing rain - so much so that the safety of our walkers is in question - we may shorten or suspend the event to safeguard their well-being.

I am planning to attend CNOY with my family. Do we all need to register?

The short answer is: yes. It would help us get a better handle on how many participants to expect on CNOY Day.

So please, create a separate registration profile for each family member. You could route them all to the same email address, or even post all donations under one family member's name for efficiency's sake, but each person should have their own profile.

I received a notification email that someone donated to me. How do I thank them?

First of all, don't hit "reply" to that notification email - that just goes to us (and we might giggle at you).

To thank your donors, login to your Fundhub, click on Fundraising, then click on Thank Donors. Follow the instructions there to send them a quick thank you note.

I've forgotten/lost/misplaced my password/username/email - how can I retrieve it?

Click the login link at the top of the page - you'll find a Forgot Password? link at the bottom of the box that pops up. (Or hey, you can just click here.)

If people donate to me, will my team get credit for it?

Yes! If you have joined a team, your fundraising totals will be reflected in both your team total and the overall event total.

How do I change my walking distance?

You can change your walking distance by:

  • Logging in to your FundHub
  • Clicking the Profile tab on the left menu
  • Clicking the Edit Walking Distance tab
  • You can edit your distance selection in this screen and hit the "submit" button to save

Can people on my team walk different distances?

Yes! everyone who joins a team selects their own distance during registration. You may have people walking different distances on the same team.

Is my information secure?

We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, we have put in place physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. For more info: click here.

Oops... I accidentally donated to the wrong team or participant. Can you move my donation?

Email or call us and we'll take care of it for you. We'll need to know:

  • The name of the donor
  • The amount of the donation
  • Who you gave to originally (participant or team name)
  • Who you would like the donation moved to

I'm trying to give a donation from a country outside of North America, but I don't have a postal code. How can I proceed?

Simply add in five zeroes (00000) as the postal code, and the donation page should allow you to continue - if you're still having trouble, please contact our offices and we would be more than happy to help!

Can you move me to a different team (or remove me from a team)?

Yes! This is a change that we need to make at the CNOY Headquarters. Contact us and we'll either a) remove you from the team, so that you can start or join a new one, or b) move you to a new team (if you know which one you'd like to join).

Is there a deadline for registering online?

No - you can register online at any time leading up to CNOY Day. Of course, we recommend you register early so that you can use the weeks before CNOY Day to raise lots of funds for your charity!

Note: Those who register online on CNOY Day must sign a waiver form during check-in.

I have questions about the challenge.

We've got lots of answers for your business, church or organization - check out our About the Challenge page, and click FAQ.

How do I change the captain of my team?

If you'd like to switch your team captain, talk to us! Tell us your team name and who you'd like your new captain to be and we'll fix it for you.

Don't see your question here?

Ask us! Visit the contact page to get in touch with our friendly customer-service team.

Got questions about the Coldest Night of the Year USA?
help@cnoy.com | 1.877.743.3413